"While people from vastly different cultures, languages, and background may not agree on how civil rights, democracy, and dignity look they all know how a lack of dignity feels. Clearly they have had enough of that feeling. With cries of “No more! Enough!” they're ready to go down a different road, one where “entrainment” has a different name: People Power." - Susan Galleymore
What is a Corporation? >
What is a Development? >
The Malaysian Federal Constitution >
Landowners of Kampong Bharu
and in accordance with the Federal Constitution of Malaysia
Now the Federal Government through the Ministry of Federal Territory has introduced a Bill in Parliament - Rang Undang-Undang Perbadanan Pembangunan Kampong Bharu 2010 without consulting the Landowners of Kampong Bharu for the purposes of corporatism and in the interest of monetary gains under the guise of 'development'.

This is daylight robbery by way of legislation.
This is a sure way to oust the so-called stubborn/uncooperative Landowners from their beloved homeland.
"In the beginnings of the structure of society they were subjected to brutal and blind force; afterwards-to Law, which is the same force, only disguised.
I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature right lies in force."
(Protocol No.1 - The Protocols of The Elders of Zion)

WE, the Landowners object this inhumane and demeaning act (and Act)
Direct the Government to focus on this instead >
We don't need any more shopping malls, service apartments, twin towers, or towers of any kind...
Sign the Petition On Line >>
The Malaysian Federal Constitution >
Article 13 - Rights to Property
"Article 13 provides that no person may be deprived of property save in accordance with law. No law may provide for the compulsory acquisition or use of property without adequate compensation."
This is not about politics / racism / monetary
This is about the GOD given freedom and rights of theLandowners of Kampong Bharu
and in accordance with the Federal Constitution of Malaysia
Now the Federal Government through the Ministry of Federal Territory has introduced a Bill in Parliament - Rang Undang-Undang Perbadanan Pembangunan Kampong Bharu 2010 without consulting the Landowners of Kampong Bharu for the purposes of corporatism and in the interest of monetary gains under the guise of 'development'.

This is daylight robbery by way of legislation.
This is a sure way to oust the so-called stubborn/uncooperative Landowners from their beloved homeland.
"In the beginnings of the structure of society they were subjected to brutal and blind force; afterwards-to Law, which is the same force, only disguised.
I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature right lies in force."
(Protocol No.1 - The Protocols of The Elders of Zion)

WE, the Landowners object this inhumane and demeaning act (and Act)
Direct the Government to focus on this instead >
We don't need any more shopping malls, service apartments, twin towers, or towers of any kind...
Sign the Petition On Line >>
Salam redCzar,
ReplyDeleteMy best wishes for all the people of Kampong Baru. Strive for what is best for them. There must always be fair and equitable treatment of people's rights. Please act wisely and sincerely to help everyone. Salam.
Syed Akbar Ali
Melayu serakah Melayu !
ReplyDeletePerbadanan tu, kalau banyak sangat duit, janganlah aniaya orang. Melaburlah kat tempat lain.
Orang Cina dan India rumah buruk tak apa, tapi kalau Melayu, dihinanya sungguh-sungguh. Inilah mentaliti pemimpin Melayu.
ReplyDeleteGood intention maybe, but for all the hoo haa, just imagine some people just cannot stand to see the value of Kampung Baru goes down the drain.
Actually, is Kampung Baru land a freehold, 99 year lease or what???
The real owner should really seat down together and stand for their right with a strong workable solution.
Work with PNB, request that Amanah Saham Kampung Baru (ASKB) be set up and the market value of the land be converted into Shares. Maybe instead of the RM5 Billion for a 100 stories building, that money be used to develop Kampung Baru.
Good luck Kampung Baru ... Kalau dulu dinamakan Kampung Baru ... it should NOW really mean "NEW CITY"
Get serious stakeholders.
ReplyDeletePengkianat bangsa, agama dan negara adalah pemimpim2 Melayu terutama dari BeeAnt yang menjadi proxy kepada cukung-cukung cina. Merekalah sebenarnya pelacur yg mengadaikan kepentingan Melayu/bumiputra.
ReplyDeletealhamdulillah ada juga blog yg support bantahan terhadap penubuhan Perbadanan Kampong Bahru...minta lg sdr sign online petisyen spt d bawah bagi tanda sokongan bantahan terhadap penganiayaan pewaris dan pemilik tanah Kg Baru...